# Methods

# window.$hubble.all

Gets all elements with hubble selectors.

window.$hubble.all(): HTMLElement[]

# window.$hubble.allMapped

Gets all elements with hubble selectors, mapped by selector.

window.$hubble.allMapped(): { [string]: HTMLElement }

# window.$hubble.find

Finds all elements with hubble selectors matching the passed selector.

window.$hubble.find(selector: string): HTMLElement[]]

# window.$hubble.findMapped

Finds all elements with hubble selectors matching the passed selector, mapped by selector.

window.$hubble.findMapped(selector: string): { [string]: HTMLElement }

# window.$hubble.first

Finds the first element with hubble selectors matching the passed selector.

window.$hubble.first(selector: string): HTMLElement | undefined

# window.$hubble.resetOptions

Resets the plugin options to their initial state when the plugin was first installed.

window.$hubble.resetOptions(): void